Australia, Best of the Blog, Destinations, Oceania, Personal Ramblings

Unplugged in the Outback: A Case Study of Travel Blogging Offline

The internet has changed the world. We can now be in constant contact with almost anyone in the world from anywhere at anytime. It does not matter anymore how far away you are, if you have a phone plan with data you will likely be able to get online and reach the world. This has… Read More Unplugged in the Outback: A Case Study of Travel Blogging Offline

Australia, Best of the Blog, Destinations, General Advice, Oceania, Personal Ramblings, Travel Resources

Going Native: What I’ve learned in Australia

Bring an Australian stereotype to mind. What comes up? Maybe a leather skinned man covered in red dust knocking back beers like his life depends on it? Maybe your stereotypical Aussie is less Alice Springs informed and more like a tan, blonde surfer dude fresh from a knock out dual with a Great White shark?… Read More Going Native: What I’ve learned in Australia