Best of the Blog, Central America, Destinations, Nicaragua, Stories from the Road

Racing the Rain with Hari’s Horses on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua

A rooster’s sharp caw breaks through my dreams and soon I am awake, mulling over how best to murder said rooster. I grumble as I squint my eyes in the early morning light, the sun hasn’t even risen yet. The rooster keeps at it. This rooster must be faulty, or sadistic, I decide as I… Read More Racing the Rain with Hari’s Horses on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua

Argentina, Belize, Central America, Chile, Costa Rica, Destinations, El Salvador, General Advice, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, North America, South America, Travel Resources

Is Central America Safe?

Yes and no. It depends. When I left for Guatemala in January 2016, almost every single person would ask, “Is it safe?”, in response to me telling them where I was moving. Coming from the United States, there are a lot of preconceived ideas about any Spanish speaking country south of the US border and… Read More Is Central America Safe?

Belize, Central America, Destinations, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua

On the Road Again: A Trip Through Belize and Honduras

As some of you have probably realized I’ve been radio silent for the past couple weeks, basically ever since I left Xela. Well I’m back and sitting in a cafe in Leon, Nicaragua with a very cute black hostel kitty demanding pets every 30 seconds or so. Since Xela I have been in Flores, Guatemala;… Read More On the Road Again: A Trip Through Belize and Honduras