About Me

Hello world, good to meet you all. I’m Monica, an American from California who now calls Australia home. I got bit by the travel bug at age 15 and 36 countries later, am still affected. This blog is the story of all those journeys, the ups and downs, the failures and successes that come with an inability to stay in one place.

My story starts out like so many other travel bloggers, I graduated from university, hopped on a plane for a three month European adventure that would be my first taste of the backpacker lifestyle and thought that would be it. I thought I would finish my gap year with my taste for the world satisfied, that craving dealt with, but I was wrong. Three months in Europe turned into six months in Guatemala, then a month and a half traveling the rest of Central America where I bumped into a handsome Australian who, six years later, is now my husband and number one travel buddy. So much for the go to graduate school, get a career, and settle down plan.

I have been blogging since 2013, with my first blog being a little account of my study abroad experience in Mendoza, Argentina. Then in 2017, I decided I had something to add to the noise that is the travel blogging world so this blog got a fancy little facelift and I got a major headache learning SEO. Now, in 2022, after spending three years working in health promotion while locked in the gilded cage that was Western Australia during the pandemic, I am back on the road in search of the best sustainable travel, the most beautiful natural places, and, of course, the tastiest local food.

My aim with this site is to write the posts that I wish I had been able to read about a few of the many topics you’ll come across while traveling and to inspire the next intrepid traveler to take the plunge into this wild world. Enjoy and happy traveling!